Showing posts with label GamingRaccoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GamingRaccoon. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Game Guide: Seven Knights (SENA) Transcend or New Sena?

Hey Guyssssss, it has been a very long time. I have been occupied with so many things. Chinese New Year is over too! I would like to wish everyone a prosperous and blessed year ahead! May you all be healthy, wealthy and life full of happiness.
Allow me to share some of the updates that has been going on with me in SENA.

Preseason 1 Guild War finally ended with our guild scoring 10 Wins, 5 Losses. Great Achievement and much better than we expected. Yay! (sadly, I did not manage to snapshot the stats)

Recent patch came and a lot of hype on Wukong!

Many were worried regarding how op and how game-breaking he will be in arena! Ha ha, thankfully, with decent AOE units such as Ruri and Velika or Hard CC units like Ming Ming and Nia+ Bolt, we can counter Wukong users in Arena. (that is only for lv30-lv32 Wukongs though as I am not sure if lv40 Lord will suffer that much of damage to be wiped out)

I have been very lucky to get hold on Wukong too after couple of 250rubies package summons though I got mine from daily quest 3-6 heroes ticket summon. RNGesus decided to give me regular units for all my rubies package summons. Most of the nicer units, I got hold of them via Daily Quest tickets 3-6* heroes or via fusions.

As I stressed before countless of times, NEVER LOSE HOPE as you may not know when but surely and eventually, you will be rewarded with nice units. As for those who are thinking, "Hey, that's what every player will say when they got their hands on cool units and lords". Trust me, I know how most of you guys feel and I had been there and done that too. I started off witnessing couple of my friends with OP RNG summons yielding SENA units, and my 6star fusions had been Jokers, Ice Queen Lania, Banes, and Knoxes. All I wanted to share with you guys here today is 'NEVER LOSE HOPE' in fusions and summons. Strive on. You will surely be rewarded.

Finally, MASTER TIER IN ARENA! A great achievement for F2P player!

Well, today I will be sharing some thoughts regarding Transcending Sena or get a new Sena. This has been the most FAQ of all century in all SENA servers.

Q1: Hey, what if my starter SENA is Spike, is he good to be transcended or should I get another SENA?

I find that having Spike at lvl30 is decent enough or at lesat for Arena players. His utility is his passive which provides 2 turns of immunity to CC and that's decent. However, there is 1 problem that I noticed from pvp-ing Spike Users which is Spike is a Double-Edge Sword Unit. Once he freezes opponents, those units cannot be targeted and that can pose a huge problem for AOE Attackers especially after Freeze over, skills will be in Cooldown. Verdict: ***

Q2:My starter SENA is Eileen, how well is she? Should I get another Sena to transcend?
I personally started out with Eileen and new users will not understand the pain of starting out with Eileen. No CC prior first SENA reworked and her utility is her passive offering 60% physical attack buff. She is great for transcending right now. There are some Eileen transcended at 4.3k Master Tier Arenas. She is good for dragon and Castle Rush too. Verdict: ****

Q3: My starter SENA is Kris, is he good enough for transcend?
I find kris rather underwhelming at the current patch as his passive heal crushed heavily by Ace users. Ace Aoe skill reduces healing capabilities 80%. I used him in 2.4-2.8k+ Arena rating. At higher tier, I find that lv30, lv32 and lv34 Kris still lose out to Delonse, Javes and Rudy sadly. Until the next rework which buffs him with zombie mode, his utility is low in Arena. He is a good to clear Celestial Tower floors though with his death debuff proc. Verdict: **

Q4: My starter SENA is Rachel, is she worth transcending?
As Rachel users, we have to take note of two important key focus to decide if she is worth transcending. Her utility in Arena is at most 2.4-2.8k+ rating as well. However, the key focus will be on whether your guild is capable of taking on Normal Mode Castle Rush and are you suffering from hitting high Castle Rush points? I don't advise you to transcend Rachel if your guild is not ready for Normal Mode and most of the members far from ready too. As for Single Carry Guild Member for the guild, Yes, she is worth transcending if your guild is at 3-4million for EASY CR. Verdict: ****

Q5: My starter SENA is Jave, is he worth transcending?

Jave is known is all servers as King of AOE and with coming rework, he will be more beastly than he already is with added piercing to his skill. He is useful for Celestial Tower floors too. Verdict: *****

Q6: My starter SENA is Delonse, is he worth transcending?

Well, Delonse is THE PVP meta sena right now with decent 25% damage boost to your allies, AOE silent CC and immunity to all damage for 2 turns. What else can you ask for from PVP based SENA? He is a great damage boost in Castle Rush, Dragon Raids too if you do not have Fordina's Empress Eileen Verdict: *****

Q7: My starter SENA is Rudy, is he worth transcending?

Yes. King of Defense. Turtle team Arena Strategy. Verdict: *****

Q8: What if I want to main another SENA instead of my starter?
Yes, you can do that but with the average bell curve Senas going towards nearer to lv36-lv40. This will hurt starter players in arena and finding it hard to climb up the tiers. My advise is to decide properly if you are looking for another SENA instead of your starter SENA and just purely focus on transcending him. A good Arena team needs 1 Sena, 1 Lord (if you are lucky to get your hands on one) and 3 Regular units fully transcended and unlocked.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Game Guide Seven Knights (SENA) Optimize Resources

Hello readers! Today, I will be sharing some of my thoughts on using gold effectively, where and when to farm gold in SENA.

One thing I noticed from my fellow guildies, the new guys have yet to maximize their firepower thus having difficulties with raids, castle rush and arena. Gold is one of the easiest to farm resource and by knowing where to spend the gold, you can make a big difference.

First, let's find out how to farm gold.

There are 3 stages in SENA that I would recommend to farm gold and units effectively. Aisha's Normal 1-5 stage, Hard 7-1 Stage and Moonlight Isle's 8-1 stage.

You can try going 8-1 and if it proves too difficult, go for Hard 7-1 stage or Normal 1-5 stage depending on gold/sec earned.

Hot time for Asia server is 1800 to 2200. Doing stage runs during this period double your gold earnings than usual.

There are couple of units that you need to have in order to farm effectively.

For Seven Knights, Jave and Spike are both good for farming these stages due to their high aoe output.

Regular units such as Ruri, Ariel and Velika are both equally highly rated for farming purposes.

Another place to earn gold is by clearing the gold chamber in the celestial tower.
This is the most stable gold generator and every 2.5hrs earn you decent gold. The higher you are at celestial tower, the more gold it yields.

Next, we shall talk about where to spend the gold.

Formation is one of the value for money features that maximizes your early power spike. Currently lv40 formation is the level cap and for farming, arena, celestial tower, castle rush and dragon, most widely used formation is 1-4. At lv40, it gives us a total of 100% damage amplification for backline unit.

After maximizing that, you can spend your gold on upgrading units to 6stars and focus on few main units and look forward to transcend them when you can as transcendence unlocks 2 extra levels and extra boost.

Of course, to transcend, you need the same unit at 6star as a fodder. It is easier to transcend a regular unit as of now and focus on 2-3 Senas as your main.

Alright, that's all for today. As usual,any questions do leave it at the comment section below. Cheers

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Game Guide: Seven Knights (SENA) Friendship Points

Sup readers! Today, I will be talking on the Friendship System in SENA.

Friendship system is an additional perks for players that unlocks a random Seven Knight unit for players. First, let's take a look on how to access it.

Alright, first let's go to the social icon and select friendship.

Next, you will be looking at something like the following picture.

As you can see, the above circle part, that shows the amount of friendship points (FP) I am currently having. Once you collected 1000points, you can proceed to exchange for a random Sena unit.

As you can see, I had exchanged mine.

SENA players will know that by clearing FP quests and farm up to 1k points, we get to add a great power spike into the team for better CC/Arena advantage.

To collect the points, we need friends, not just any friends, but newbies (played Seven Knights for less than 14days/login less than 14days) and require them to clear specific quests to send Friendship Points to you. You can send Gifts (5star random unit ticket) to the newbie for a good starter unit. By doing so, he/she will be added to your Best Friend List.

What makes this more difficult than it is already would be each newbie will only be allowed to have 1 Person as Gift Sender. Therefore, newbies may not have overlapping multiple senders to gift 5star units.

Every newbie will send a total of 326 FP to you if I am not mistaken thus by having 3 newbies, we can secure a total of 1k points as sending gift to newbie earns you 10 points too.

There is one issue regarding this FP system:
What if my newbie decided to quit halfway without completing all the quests?

Therefore, I suggest an easier method but rather requires a total of 3weeks of efforts to complete all the FP quests available by having 3 alternates and an additional newbie friend to farm the FP points for you.

There are tons of emulators out there which allow us to play SENA and having alternates to farm FP quests. You can try Nox Player, Bluestacks Emulator, or Droid4x to play multiple accounts and farm FP for your main account.

Another fun fact:

You cannot remove the added Newbie Friend from your friendlist after sending the gifts. It is permanent which is why having alternates to farm for your main account is a safer option.

Below is the complete ASia/GLobal Friendship Quests to clear. Bracket indicates the amount of points rewarded.

Have Fun SENA-ing! If you have further questions, you can drop them under the comment section below this post. Cheers and I am out!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Game Review: Trove First Impression

Alright guys, I think I had played enough Trove to drop my views on Trove by Trion Worlds, the same developers for ArcheAge and Devilian.

Hold your horses guys, Yes, I know that Trion screwed up Archeage badly but currently, Trove is doing pretty good for now.

Trove is a Sandbox* MMORPG released during the mid of 2015. Trove is the what we would called as Minecraft gone MMO version.
The user interface(UI) is relatively simple and easy to grasp probably targeting all ages. There is a free mount and default housing design given once we finish the first few tutorials.

There are many classes to choose as starting character. I personally picked Candy Barbarian for the whirlwind skill. SPIN-TO-WIN all the way. Unlike normal MMO,there are only 3 equipable item slots that can be obtained from defeating mobs and dungeon bosses: Hat, Mask, and Weapon. Each classes have 2 main skills and an ultimate skill with longer cooldown to use. Skills cannot be used when the energy flask is empty. Energy flask refills with time so juggle your skills usage.

Once we enter into the game, we start off at the Hub Zone, central place where everyone gather as meeting zone.

Hub World

As for the housing section, we can place our house at any field with the cornerstone by activating it. Cornerstone is the signboard with an exclamation mark on it. There is a craft station pre-built in the house which offers various subsequent unlocks of other crafting stations. Players may upgrade and redesign their houses and they will automatically saved by default thus not to worry if you have ran out of building blocks.

Another feature seen in Trove is the Club World function. All players can craft the club world station to activate an island as personal privilege and you can invite your friends to join your club for them to access into the island.

We can enter the dungeons at the Hub World by clicking on the dungeon portals. There are various difficulties to select from and you can level by clearing the quests given and conquering dungeons.

Overall, I had fun playing the game and there are various features such as fishing and gardening which I have not experience yet.

*Sandbox is a term used for MMO which allows players to choose what, when and how they want to approach the game with the features given.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Game Guide: Seven Knights (SENA) Player Mastery

Greetings fellow readers! Today's post features Sena Mastery and my thoughts on whether to invest in unlocking them earlier than the levels.

Should I invest on mastery or rather just buy the 250 rubies package and hope to land myself a Lord/Sena?

Before we move, here is the list of the mastery available. As for Global/Asia Servers, masteries are only available up to lv75.

Most veteran players suggested to max out the masteries as early as possible unless your account blessed with supreme feng shui RNG luck, then by all means, collect all the new units.

I personally find that after rolling thousands of rubies farmed as a Free-2-Play Player, I find that it is not only frustrating to get fodder units but disappointing to realise your hard-earned rubies going down the drain, flushed into the eternal dark hole. Therefore, I tried unlocking mastery and witnessed the difference in damage boost/ damage reduction dealt on my team regardless of arena/raid/Castle rush.

Of course, you dont have to focus entirely on unlocking all the mastery it is equally tempting to buy the 250rubies package whenever you saved up to 250 rubies. Therefore, it is good to reward yourself a package every now and then after unlocking 1-2 mastery.
lv60 mastery: opponents healing skills -20%.

This is in fact significant against tank team comp or high level healers as well as players using Kris Sena in arena.
lv60,65,70,75 masteries played significant difference in arena and castle rush. At higher celestial towers, you will feel the need to sustain longer against the monsters.

One of the tip to unlock mastery from my experience is to farm a minimum target of 30-50 rubies/ day and save up over the weekend. Once masteries are maxed out, you can reward yourself with the summoning packages or use the rubies to run more daily dungeons and collect Elements for ranking up/transcending units.

Bunny Shane (Sein)

Below are the player mastery up to lv110

Courtesy from Joshua Lee.

Player skills with cost to unlock in advance in brackets :

Lv 10 (2 rubies):
1. Attack + Magic +5% (real value seems to be +10%)
2. Defense +5%

Lv 15 (5):
1. critical chance +10%
2. block chance +10%

Lv 20 (10):
1. attack weakness +10%
2. counterattack chance +10%

Lv 25 (20):
Healing skills +10%

Lv 30 (35):
1. double attack rate +10%
2. HP +10%

Lv 35 (65):
1. Attack + Magic +10% (real value +20%)
2. Defense +10%

Lv 40 (110):
skill damage +10%

Lv 45 (160):
1. +damage for difference in level (arena only)
2. +reduction for difference in level (arena only)

Lv 50 (210):
1. opponent's critical chance -20% (good for siege)
2. opponent's block chance -20% (arena)

Lv 55 (270):
1. opponent's attack weakness -20% (arena)
2. opponent's counterattack chance -20% (siege)

Lv 60 (360):
opponents healing skills -20%

Lv 65 (500):
1. critical damage +20% (arena)
2. opponent's HP -15% (siege)

Lv 70 (650):
1. opponent's attack + magic -20% (arena)
2. opponent's defense -20% (siege)

Lv 75 (800):
damage +20%

Lv80 (800rubies)
1. Weakest attack damage bonus 10%
2. Block def bonus 10%,

Lv85 (850rubies)
1. Decrease enemy speed 10%
2. Decrease enemy critical chance 20%,

Lv90 (900rubies)
1. Decrease enemy block rate 20%
2. Decrease enemy counter attack chance 20%,

Lv95 (950rubies)
1.increase money drop 5%,

Lv100 (1,000rubies)
1.increase chest drop5%
2.increase card drop 5%,

Lv105 (1,050rubies)
1.Decrease team skill cooldown 5%,

Lv110 (1,100 rubies)
1.Atk10% or Def10%

As guild battle/war is approaching, below are the guild costumes that can be obtained.

Rudy,Eileen, Jave, Kris, Spike and Delonse.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Game Guide: Seven Knights (SENA) Servers JP, KR, Asia, Global

Hey guys, today I will be talking on Seven Knights by Netmarble, a mobile RPG game. This is the first game guide I will be sharing and look forward to more game guides and tips for my upcoming posts!

First thing first, to those who are and will be playing in the Global/Asia server, Sena in these serves do not follow the exact similar patches as the KR server.

Here are some notable changes with Global/Asia servers, in the bracket is the KR version:

The latest Moonlit Isle Map clear reward - random 6star armor/weapon (6star hero)
The friendship system and gifting - random 5 star hero (random 6 star hero)
Dragon Raid level of difficulty - relatively easy to dish 300-400k damage with standard setup against ≤lv30 Dragon Destroyer.
Patches are not in similar order as the KR server.

Here is the Japan newly released Seven Knight CBT server.
Check out the voice acting.

The comparison between Japan Server vs Global/Asia/Kr

Notable changes:

- Key is being generated roughly every 3 minutes (About 9mins~)

- To refill keys to max need to use 10 rubies or 200 honor points while the extra keys will be adding up. (Not too sure of the details but 100 points = 10 keys here)

- Subsequent maps will cost more keys (1-2keys max for each map)

- There are 3 rewards per quest, either heroes or equipments entirely up to RNGesus. Make sure to have at least 3 spare slots in each hero and the inventory.

- You get 1 ruby for first time stage clearance. Boss stage could earn you 3 rubies. (Good update to make up the loss in rubies gain from leveling up to max)

- The leveling system changed drastically. You can still level units by doing quest but it's only effective for first 10 levels. To reach level 30, you need to use food on the unit to gain exp boost. The best food is the Elemental Unit. Unit with same element will give huge exp about +50%. They added a special Element which boost the same amount of exp +50% regardless of the unit's element.

- Unit now uses special potions for ranking up. These potions can be obtained via adventure, daily quests and crafting. (sounds like a less hassle way to rank up your units, good update thereotically)

Velika witch Fanart by Rubensonps3

- Daily quests can be repeated provided you have enough keys [6keys/run]

- There are 2 forms of Dailes. One rewards you with elements for leveling up while the other rewards special potions for ranking up to adapt to the new changes.

*Yet to be confirmed: Apparently, there isn't a fusion function thus less 1 method to gain extra units.

Following are translations for Japan Sena

Icon Translations

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Game Review: League of Legends & Learn to Ward

Hello all! This post will be talking on League of Legends, a famous MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) game alongside with Dota2 and Heroes of the Storm.

What is it about?
League of Legends is a game by RIOT Games aka Rito. This game was first released back in year 2009 and featured in E-sports due to competitive gameplays. Currently, LoL is moving towards Season 6 World Championship. Last World Championship Season 5 was in Berlin. LoL is similar to Dota in some ways adapting the common gameplay but the changing and dynamic feature LoL is by controlling objectives such as 'Dragon', 'Taking out Towers' and 'Baron'. Similar to Dota, LoL has a large champion pool but gearing towards specific roles for certain champions. In LoL, there are 5 roles for 5 players: Top, Jungle, Mid, AD Carry(ADC), and Support. There are 3 lanes in the map and the gameplay revolves around more of Dynamic Virtual Chess-Game.
For those new to MOBA games, LoL is just like a chess-game and all champions selected by each player starts from level 1 and the game continue until Red Team or Blue Team destroys the Nexus (the big crystal in ally base) or force a surrender vote from opponent team. In LoL, we have EU, NA, CN, KR, Asia, and Oceania servers. Playing in your region server will reduce the lag during the gameplay.

Ignore my newbie photoshop skills.

So, is LoL more to Free-2-Play or Heavy Cashing?
This is actually a very common question asked by many gamers prior to dedicating themselves to play a new unfamiliar game. As for League of Legends, players may choose to spend money to buy skins for their specific champions for ecstatic purposes similar to other MMORPG which player buys costumes for their characters. Cashing probably will be spent on unlocking champions as well or buying skins for wards too.

Cons for MOBA games:
If you have weak internet speed, better to check your pings and speed via prior to be part of the community.
Most players suffer and develop hatred which stem from having bad connection speed and LoL is one of those games, your internet speed plays a vital role in determining your gaming experience. Nuff said.

Moving on, today second focus will be leaning towards 'Warding' in League of Legends.

As you can see from the yellow dots in the map, those are crucial areas for basic warding purposes. Warding is a collective team effort and Support Role will be focus on controlling the wards in the map.

Many new players unable to understand the importance of warding in LoL because lack of experience, insight and failure to grasp the key in maintaining vision for your teammates.

Why should I ward?

Currently in Pre-season 6 patch, every players may purchase yellow trinket for free from the shop which stacks up to 2 wards. During the laning phase, each individual player need to grasp the understanding of warding at the River Region before continue pushing through the lane as many do not understand the "Not Dying/Feeding vs 2-3 minions CS Counts" worth. Yes, it is a basic fact but many decided to forego such ideology. Warding provides vision because JG roles mainly focus on ganking during laning phase to snowball (win the lane 1 sidedly) any of the 3 lanes to gain massive advantage.

How to use wards and control vision effectively?

An experience LoL player will know that timer and map awareness are both important concept in maintaining vision control. Both the Jungle and Support provides vision for the team and individual Laners such as TOp, Mid, and AD Carry mainly focus on providing vision for themselves while laning. One does not simply overextend and push the lane to enemy's lane (meaning to go beyond the river dividing border) and making yourself susceptible for ganking. That itself shows potential gank-lane for Jungle.
Rotating wards and sightstone while knowing when to teleport back to base after pushing the lane safely important in avoiding getting killed. A 'support' player need to recharge sightstone after finish consumption and inform your AD carry or Mid Player that you will be heading back to base to stock up the wards again. Communication and teamwork are both vital in the game but Controlling Vision seem to be lacking among many players. Warding itself is dangerous as well and do not focus heavily on roaming around the map to ward to the extent of abandoning your carries and get yourself killed. Roaming around to ward as support with enemy gaining vision of your roam is as though putting a sign "Yo, I'm Delicious and come Rekt Me'.

Warding for objectives is another skill player need to understand. Playing with the timer, Support should secure vision at bot lane for your AD carry should both of you decided to push the lane. By using your own Jungle level as gauge, you can safely place a ward at river brush when your jungle is level 3. That is when most jungles decided to gank a lane that's overpushed.

I guess that is all for this post. Fellow readers with questions may leave them under the comment section below this post. Cheers!

Game Review: Wildstar

Well, I guess I will start the first post by reviewing a game called WildStar published by NCSOFT. This is an online mmorpg that revolves around the Planet Nexus, a planet abandoned by a powerful race called the Eldan. In this planet, there are various technology and resources being left behind for players to explore. This game was previously a pay-2-play game which recently converted to free-2-play. The game itself is pretty much balanced as you can't cash to win. The features offered in the game is similar to ArcheAge online in which players get to build their own dream house with more customization and explore the creativity within a player.

Let's talk about the race and characters. There are 2 factions, mainly the Exiles and the Dominions. There are 4 classes in each faction. The Exiles: Humans, Granok (big stony guy with stoic facial expression), Aurin (most played class in the Exile due to the 'kawaii' features much like an anime-character), and Mordesh (zombie-like race, hardly seen one so far). The Dominions: Cassian, Mechari, Chua and Draken (tbh, Draken has a very comical face, check them out for the lols).

Yes yes, the next question comes into most gamers looking to try this game out would be: If I am in Exile and my friend wants to play in the Dominion, can we go for adventure together?

The answer is Partially~~~ No.1: You can actually go for adventures together BUT different factions mean players from different faction will slaughter the opposite faction. Thankfully, not to worry, the current population in PVP server kind of small, I guess. So, maybe you can pick your favourite race and play together. I have yet to try this out, just my 2 cents thereotically. From my experience, the community in this game is friendly and helpful. I, myself am currently playing in the PVP server (thanks to my good friend, Lemon who picked PVP server first and joined earlier before me, so yep, as buddies, gotta accompany her

So, what are the features this game has to offer for us,gamers?

Well, tbh, the housing feature really attracted me. There are really no limits to the customization. There is a Vendor Icon in your Housing Plot where you can purchase various furnitures, building blocks, trees, waterfall, lights etc to be placed into your lawn.
That said, one must reach level 14 to unlock the housing feature and level 15 to unlock a Mount. There are 4 types of Mounts available: A dragon-like mount, A Wolf-like mount, A batmobile-like vehicle and A HOVERBOARD! YES, THERE IS A FREAKING HOVERBOARD IN THIS GAME!

Is it very grinding game?

Hmmm, tbh (to be honest), I don't find it as grindy as compared to games like Dragon Nest, Ragnarok, FlyForFun, Tera Online etc. The quests are not that repeatable and Wildstar is based on an open-world concept. There are many different cinematic story behind almost every quest. Of course, the leveling curve is not an S-shaped graph.

Why has such a good game been converted to Free-2-Play from Pay-2-Play?
Good question, but I only did a small research on this. What I got is that many players migrated to World of Warcraft and etc during the period where many new games such as Blade and Soul, Kingdom Under Fire 2 and ArcheAge released. So, developers decided to open up various features for non-cashing gamers to enjoy the game at its max potential.

I am currently playing in the NA PVP server, under the Exile Faction. IGN: Fiora Aphenglow. Currently, I am still enjoying this game at my own pace at low level.
If my fellow readers have question regarding this game, drop your question at the comment section.