Monday, January 11, 2016

Game Guide: Seven Knights (SENA) Player Mastery

Greetings fellow readers! Today's post features Sena Mastery and my thoughts on whether to invest in unlocking them earlier than the levels.

Should I invest on mastery or rather just buy the 250 rubies package and hope to land myself a Lord/Sena?

Before we move, here is the list of the mastery available. As for Global/Asia Servers, masteries are only available up to lv75.

Most veteran players suggested to max out the masteries as early as possible unless your account blessed with supreme feng shui RNG luck, then by all means, collect all the new units.

I personally find that after rolling thousands of rubies farmed as a Free-2-Play Player, I find that it is not only frustrating to get fodder units but disappointing to realise your hard-earned rubies going down the drain, flushed into the eternal dark hole. Therefore, I tried unlocking mastery and witnessed the difference in damage boost/ damage reduction dealt on my team regardless of arena/raid/Castle rush.

Of course, you dont have to focus entirely on unlocking all the mastery it is equally tempting to buy the 250rubies package whenever you saved up to 250 rubies. Therefore, it is good to reward yourself a package every now and then after unlocking 1-2 mastery.
lv60 mastery: opponents healing skills -20%.

This is in fact significant against tank team comp or high level healers as well as players using Kris Sena in arena.
lv60,65,70,75 masteries played significant difference in arena and castle rush. At higher celestial towers, you will feel the need to sustain longer against the monsters.

One of the tip to unlock mastery from my experience is to farm a minimum target of 30-50 rubies/ day and save up over the weekend. Once masteries are maxed out, you can reward yourself with the summoning packages or use the rubies to run more daily dungeons and collect Elements for ranking up/transcending units.

Bunny Shane (Sein)

Below are the player mastery up to lv110

Courtesy from Joshua Lee.

Player skills with cost to unlock in advance in brackets :

Lv 10 (2 rubies):
1. Attack + Magic +5% (real value seems to be +10%)
2. Defense +5%

Lv 15 (5):
1. critical chance +10%
2. block chance +10%

Lv 20 (10):
1. attack weakness +10%
2. counterattack chance +10%

Lv 25 (20):
Healing skills +10%

Lv 30 (35):
1. double attack rate +10%
2. HP +10%

Lv 35 (65):
1. Attack + Magic +10% (real value +20%)
2. Defense +10%

Lv 40 (110):
skill damage +10%

Lv 45 (160):
1. +damage for difference in level (arena only)
2. +reduction for difference in level (arena only)

Lv 50 (210):
1. opponent's critical chance -20% (good for siege)
2. opponent's block chance -20% (arena)

Lv 55 (270):
1. opponent's attack weakness -20% (arena)
2. opponent's counterattack chance -20% (siege)

Lv 60 (360):
opponents healing skills -20%

Lv 65 (500):
1. critical damage +20% (arena)
2. opponent's HP -15% (siege)

Lv 70 (650):
1. opponent's attack + magic -20% (arena)
2. opponent's defense -20% (siege)

Lv 75 (800):
damage +20%

Lv80 (800rubies)
1. Weakest attack damage bonus 10%
2. Block def bonus 10%,

Lv85 (850rubies)
1. Decrease enemy speed 10%
2. Decrease enemy critical chance 20%,

Lv90 (900rubies)
1. Decrease enemy block rate 20%
2. Decrease enemy counter attack chance 20%,

Lv95 (950rubies)
1.increase money drop 5%,

Lv100 (1,000rubies)
1.increase chest drop5%
2.increase card drop 5%,

Lv105 (1,050rubies)
1.Decrease team skill cooldown 5%,

Lv110 (1,100 rubies)
1.Atk10% or Def10%

As guild battle/war is approaching, below are the guild costumes that can be obtained.

Rudy,Eileen, Jave, Kris, Spike and Delonse.

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