Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A little on Life: SPA interview

Sup guys, this post dedicated to help future SPA interview candidates for UD41.

I will be sharing some of my experience on my SPA interview for 2016.

Here is a short story of that fateful day.

Yep. 4:00a.m. the clock strikes sharp and my alarm rang. I couldn't even sleep much at all. Not too sure if it was due to heavy brain activity that comes before exam day-alike situation but well, I was not that tired anyway. 2 days of caffeine consumption to cramp all the things needed for the interview.

I was actually doing some casual reading for entire week but some people work best under heavy stress I guess. Definitely a bad habit of mine that needs some rework.

Anyway, journey down to the headquarters and I reached at 7:30a.m. which is 1.5hours earlier than expected. Empty stomach, and my eyes starting to give up on me. Once I entered the interview hall, I was the 10th? or 15th guy I guess. Looks like there are more hardcore kiasus among the candidates.

After registration, I legit took the most middle spot and sat there. I personally enjoy observing others before I start figuring out what to do with my time.

The ladies are mostly in 'baju kurung' while the guys, some brought their coats as though attending Prom Night while couple of weaboos came in just Pants + Tees. Deep inside me, I was thinking ' Are you serious?'.

I was actually the only dude from my university, not too sure if that was a good thing but what the heck. Took my notes out and starting flipping pages to refresh my memory. Then they called my name and gave me my number. I was told to look at the screen and walk to the room assigned when my number pops.

Apparently, mostly are from dentistry and pharmacy students. I guess maybe this is the first batch for first quarter of the year.

8:25a.m. Yep. 1102. Room L.

I went in and the Gov-Rep asked if I am Amirul. "Wth?! , Do I look like a frigging 'Amirul' to you?" Nah. kept it to myself and put up the best smile and replied ' Nope, I am GamingRaccoon'*

*Name has been de-identified to protect the confidentiality of the individual.

Me: Good Morning Sir
Gov-Rep: What is your number kid? Are you the first candidate for this room?
Me: Err, I guess so. My number popped into the screen.
Med-Rep: Make yourself comfortable and have a seat. Don't worry, he will get things sorted out.
Gov-Rep: Sorry kid, could you wait outside while I interview Amirul first?
Me: No worries, be my guest.

25minutes later

'GamingRaccoon! GamingRaccoon!'*

Gov-Rep: Come in.
Me: Good morning again.
Med-Rep: Have a seat. So, you brought all the documents and the originals?
Me: Yes *hand the files to them*
Gov-Rep: So, tell me more about yourself.
Me: I am GamingRaccoon* bla bla took my tertiary edu at bla bla.....bla....and bla....
Gov-Rep: Where do you see yourself in 10years time?
and so, the questions being thrown to me are as follows:

Do you plan to stay in the gov sector hosp? Will you go to private sector?
What about after 10 years?
Where do you plan to work?
DO you mind working in places like Lahad Datu? (that place isn't it the place with pirates and they just kidnapped 1 guy and beheaded him after taking the ransom from the country right?)
What are you doing atm?

Do you know the working hours of doctors right now?
What good traits in you that makes you qualify to be a good doctor?
What do you know about shift system? Tell me more on your views
Tell me about Asthma
Classification of Asthma
Management and Drugs for asthma
Do you think you are ready to be a HO?

When I came out, couple of girls came and asked some tips and they told me their interviews on coming Friday (wth..that's so hardcore, coming here everyday to gather info, next-level of spy infiltration info gathering.)

THis chap told me his what he replies he gave when he was asked on 'Tell me more about yourself'
'I am bla bla, graduated from bla bla, from bla bla and I love ice creams. Especially Ice cream potong, Durian flavour the

Overall, the interview was pretty good and relaxing. After interview, my lack of sleep started to hit me hard. I can barely stay awake...Energy level depleted.

Look forward to my next post on Seven Knights. Will be out in 2-3days. Cheers & Happy Gaming. Till then.

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